Contact The Fuller Family

Don't hesitate to reach out with questions or just to see how the sap is running. We love to chat with our customers! Are you a retailer or restaurant looking for bulk maple syrup? We sell wholesale! Drop us a line and we can get you more information.

Frequently Asked Questions

What additives are in maple syrup? 

Maple Syrup is a 100% natural product with no additives or preservatives. Maple syrup is made by removing water from the sap. Nothing is added.

Did you know that it takes 40 gallons of sap from our maple trees to make 1 gallon of delicious maple syrup?

Does maple syrup need to be refrigerated after opening?

Your maple syrup should be stored in the refrigerator or freezer once it has been opened. Unopened syrup containers can be stored in your pantry.

Is maple syrup good for you?

Yes! Maple syrup is good for you (but everything in moderation)!
Maple Syrup is rich in minerals such as calcium, potassium, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, and iron, and even contains trace amounts of amino acids, the building blocks of protein!

What trees species do you tap? 

Several types of maples are native to New England, but the sugar maple (also called rock maple or hard maple) and the black maple are considered the best types for maple sugaring. Only a few places in the world have the right climate for sugar maples: New England, upstate New York, Michigan, the Maritime provinces, and southern Quebec and Ontario.

Does all maple syrup taste the same?

The flavor of maple syrup, like that of other natural products, can vary from region to region and even from year to year. 

When is a tree big enough to tap?

Usually, maple trees are not tapped until they are at least 40 years old and 10-12 inches in diameter. As the tree's diameter increases, more taps can be added (up to a maximum of four taps).

Does tapping a tree harm it?

When done properly, tapping does no permanent damage to the tree. Some maple trees have been tapped for over a hundred years!

How do you boil your syrup?

We boil our maple syrup on a wood-fired evaporator. This is the same way maple syrup has been made for hundreds of years. It's a little extra work for Jon to stack the woodpile each summer but he wouldn't have it any other way.

Does maple sap have the same amount of natural sugars as maple syrup?

The natural sugar content of sap averages 2.5%; the natural sugar content of maple syrup is at least 66%.

Will putting maple syrup in the freezer ruin it?

Maple syrup won't freeze. If you don't have space in the refrigerator consider storing an open container of maple syrup in the freezer.