The Basics of Maple Syrup

Golden Delicate

Light Amber color, delicate maple bouquet. Delightfully mild maple flavor, excellent on pancakes, waffles & ice cream.

Amber Rich

Medium Amber color, pronounced maple bouquet, characteristic maple flavor. Popular for all-around use.

Dark Robust

Dark Amber color, robust maple bouquet,   Heartier maple flavor, very popular for table and all-around use.

Grade B

The strongest and darkest table grade maple syrup.  The rich maple flavor makes it the best grade for cooking.

Now that you know your grade, head to our shop!

"Which Grade Is Best?" 

We often get the question, “Which grade is best?” This is an impossible question to answer because everyone’s taste is different and the “best” flavor is in the hands of the taster. Early season syrup is light in color with a delicate flavor. As the sugaring season progresses, the syrup naturally darkens in color and has a stronger maple flavor. If you want to cook or bake with syrup, the darker grades have more flavor.

Consider how you plan to use maple syrup. Lighter and medium grades are often considered great for pouring over pancakes and waffles. Darker grades are often used in recipes as a natural sugar alternative. The darker grade allows for the flavor to shine through in sweet and savory dishes.

During the Spring, as temperatures rise and the maple trees thaw, the sap will begin to flow and so starts the sugaring season. To truly understand the hard work that goes into making maple syrup we urge you to get out and see a sugarhouse in action. No two are alike as each operation carries its own traditions and use varying levels of technology.

We are proud of our craft and the maple we produce. We hope that the next time you stock your pantry or fridge you choose to support small Vermont maple producers, like Fuller Family Sugaring.